It has recently been touted that PEI will soon be a world leader in wind energy. This is supposed to be a good thing. I am all for wind powered energy. However, I have concerns as to whether PEI is going about this in the right way. Is this another ill fated attempt by our political leaders to garner undeserved world recognition? I would like to know how this attempt at world leadership is being financed. By reading my light bill over the past year I would say that I am totally financing the project all by my lonesome.
From Oct./07 my rate for electricity was .1155 cents/kwh. In Oct./08 my rate had increased to .1553 cents /kwh. I'm not sure how they do their math nut according to my calculations that would amount to an increase of just under 35% in one year. Now, taking it a step further My bill in Dec. of 07 had increased to .1179 cents /kwh. A modest livable increase, if it stayed there. Obviously we know it didn't. Upon reading my bill for Dec. 08 I see my rate has moved up to .1604 cents./kwh. Again, according to my calculations that would be a 36+% increase in a year.
It keeps going up.
According to Statistics Canada, PEI has about the highest increases in cost of living. For sure our pay increases and pensions can't keep up to it. The last time I checked, the cost of living index for PEI was sitting at 6-7%. Our pensions and pay increases sit at around 1-3%. This is one of the basic reasons why the rich get richer and the poor pay for it.
I want to know if the increases in our power bills is going to finance the wind energy project, from which we get little, if any, benefits. Who actually benefits? Who actually gets paid for the energy that gets shipped off island, which more than 80% is destined to go? and who gets the accolades for being world leaders in wind energy, regardless of the cost to the citizens of the province?
Does PEI have a public utilities board? If so, what do they do? Is there anybody on the board who does basic math? Is there anybody on the board who cares about the citizens of PEI, who they are supposed to be protecting?
It won't be long now, the way these monopolistic companies, who are protected more so than the average Joe, before we will no longer need to go to the bank with our paychecks. We can just sign them over to the Govt. and let them send us a loaf of bread every once in a while. From where I am sitting, it doesn't look like that possibility is too far away.
Who is out there to answer my questions? Who is out there who cares enough to question their MLAs?
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