Saturday, April 04, 2015
What does HE look like anyway?
Since we cannot ascertain a gender for HIM I guess it would be more proper to refer to HIM as IT. Again, since no one has seen IT it would be an impossibility to determine IT's pigmentation. Also, since IT had to create IT's son in another image, we would have to assume that IT did not have a humanoid structure. Perhaps no structure at all. That would leave us with a spiritual entity.
OK! So we have a spiritual entity that has messengers (angels). Our churches are full of images of angels that resemble man. Who determined the shape, gender and colour of angels? Who determined the need of angels? That would be like saying that IT required a civil service. That would be a pretty scary thought if you ever thought you had a chance of getting into that holy place. You would have to make sure you had the right papers, signed in the right places and notorized by the right people before you would dare approach the gates. Come on! You were taught in Sunday school that IT was with you and everybody else every minute of every day, so IT knew what you were doing, and if IT sent IT's son here to die for your sins, IT knows what sins you are going to commit, right? So why the angels? If IT is with you already, why an extra expense of a messenger?
We now move on to the multitude of buildings for the adoration of IT, full of false images of IT and useless angels. Where the faithful followers of each denomination proclaims that only they will have the chance to show their papers at the gates to that holiest of places. They will fight and kill every last one of those other SOBs who try to forge their own papers.
Monday, August 17, 2009
What's it tell you
'The Lone Ranger replies, 'I see millions of stars.'
'What that tell you?' asked Tonto.
The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says, 'Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo.Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning. Theologically, the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What's it tell you, Tonto?'
'You dumber than buffalo dung. It mean someone stole the tent. '
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Out behind the barn
While the nuns where strict disciplinarians, they were also avid teachers. Their lives being devoted to teaching rather than acquisition of wealth. Perhaps that's why so many of their teachings are still valid today. Almost daily I am reminded of some classroom discussions pertaining to events from today. As my education took place from mid 1940s to the later part of 1950s this is rather amazing, or at least it is to me. Things like the internal combustion engine being the single largest contributing factor in the destruction of the ozone layer. That there were companies back then that were striving to perfect the advent of the ultimate electric car. They advocated the use of wind energy as well as solar. I am sure that the nuns in small town Nova Scotia didn't invent this stuff.They must have garnered these bits of intelligence from forces supposedly in the know. So I have to ask myself, why is it, more than 50 years later, that we are still facing the same problems? Could it be that the nuns were forward thinking while our politicians are always covering the other end. Why have we allowed ourselves to become slaves to the oil industry when it was predicted by those same nuns half a century ago that the oil industry was corroding not only our atmosphere but also the minds of the people who had the ability to change it.
Is it going to stop somewhere?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008
My recommendations
So ya want a few $Billion to save some jobs! It's not my job that you're talking about saving, and I could care less about yours. However, I do care about the environment and the state of our economic woes. So here are a few things that I would recommend be included in the package.
#1. The Auto makers have to get out of the bed that they have been sharing with the oils magnates.
The technology has been available way too long to be ignored any longer to produce much more fuel efficient vehicles. Edison had the answer more than a hundred years ago. Electric cars are a viability today. There are much smaller companies than the "big three" who are developing EVs (Electric
vehicles) that not only have Formula 1 speeds but have the capabilities of going much longer distances between charges, with some having the added advantage of being totally recharged in a matter of minutes. Hydrogen as an alternative to gasoline in a hybrid vehicle. These are doable viables for companies with billions of other peoples dollars, mine included.
#2. Top executives have to forego their fat bonuses (or any bonuses) until they start to show profits again. And even then a cap should be imposed on bonuses. If there is that big a surplus that execs can grab hundreds of millions of dollars each year for overcharging the public for their goods, then the profits should go back to the people who supported them by buying their vehicle by lowering the price on their next years line of vehicles. I don't like the idea that I am funding some auto execs exotic paradise mansion while I'm freezing my butt trying to get the piece of crap I overpaid for started. Bonus for performance, not just because you want it. If the topped was trimmed to what was essential, there would be huge amounts of working equity. Make the people who manage to keep their jobs actually earn their pay. Some of us out here had our whole lives income based on productivity. I personally don't believe that any person should be paid for what he knows, but rather on what he does with what he knows.
#3. The unions will have to bend a little as well. I don't mean that they should have to take drastic cuts in salary, however wage cuts cannot be ruled out. Also, expectations on pay raises should not be expected until the time that bonuses are starting to flow again.
#4. The monies that you receive are not outright grants. They are repayable loans. In case of foreclosure, the Govt. stands at the front of the line for repayment. The loans should be monitored to be used for operational and development costs only, and not for repairs on Joe's swimming pool.