Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Suggested serving

I have been recently busy writing recipes. This is not about recipes, so don't ask me to share with ya. What this is about is that while busily occupied with these gastronomic endeavors I noticed something that made me wonder. On almost all these recipes there is a place where they tell you how many servings. So, you should equally divide it into that many servings. From there I went the next step and checked out the packages of prepared food stuff (boxed, canned, jarred and frozen) On every single one of them it also told you what a suggested serving was. (Some of them were a complete surprise - like the suggested serving for most dry cereals is 2/3 of a cup. Check that out in a bowl.) Anyway, after I checked out the food stuffs I started checking other stuff. And I ended up in the bathroom where I do most of my reading anyway and saw that the shampoos and other lotions all had directions for use. All except one item. You guessed it, the toilet paper. It comes in those neat little rolls with all the perforations on them. The package refers to them as sheets, like how many sheets to the roll. But no instructions as to how many sheets to a portion. Maybe it depends on the job you're using it for. I'm told that women use different amounts for #1s and #2s. However! Wouldn't it be logical to assume that where the manufacturer took the time and effort to perforate these little sheets that that would suggest that they considered one sheet a serving? Have you ever tried to clean up a #2 with one sheet? Even a triple ply rating would be scary. So, if anyone has instructions stashed away somewhere, please share. There are many of us out here wondering.


Do you often, occasionally or rarely feel suppressed in your attempts to achieve or be recognized? If your answer is often or occasionally, do you find yourself blaming someone for this? That there are certain individuals who have held you back for so long that you now believe yourself to be incapable of achievement or recognition? Have you rationalized as to why these individuals would feel the need to suppress your attempts? If you have and/or are doing so now, you are not alone. Many people who feel that they deserve more have found at least one person, usually several, to blame for their underachievement. And in truth, there is at least one person to blame. That one person who has the power to make them feel inadequate, unsure or inferior is none other than their own self. This no doubt was initiated by some small failure in early life, which, not recognized was allowed to permeate and amass to leave the individual permanently fixated on their inabilities and not allow them to move forward on their abilities. This fixation on failure is not prominent in conscious thought but very prominent in the subconscious.
Is there a way to overcome this fixation? I believe there is; however, one must first face the fact that they are responsible for their own shortcomings. The realization that one can fail at many things and still be a success in life is the key. No one is good at everything. We all have our shortcomings, so we should concentrate on being the best that we can on the things that we are good at. This is a sure confidence builder. And self-confidence is what puts you at the top.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Research this

How come, when somebody robs a bank or commits murder(to be on a more serious note), the news is splashed all across the country and you can read or hear about it for months and sometimes years later. Worse case scenario maybe one or two lives lost, not that I am making any effort to belittle the lose of a single life, only to find reason.
This week I read an article in regards to the potential saving of thousnds (millions) of lives and it was stuck on a back page possibly never to see the light of day again. I am providing you with a link here so that you may read it and perhaps judge for yourselves as to why it may never make it to your local treatment center.


Hopefully there are others who would like to know why this discovery may die in research.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I'm sure that there have been times in your life when you have done things that you might have considered insignificant, but to others was deemed as something great and worthy of eternal gratitude. It's just hard to explain people's reations to our actions. How often meaning is taken when none was offered.
Then, on the other side, how often you have done things with great care and consideration only to have them ignored or belittled by those for whom the actions were intended. How often meaning offered is not taken.
You might think that weighing the two it might give balance to a persons life, however this is not the case. The efforts ignored, belittled or forgotten far outweigh whatever good we may have felt for those gratitudes.
Perhaps the reason for this is that the people who share the greatest gratitude are usually people who are acquaintances, friends or people we hardly know at all, and the people who have the least gratitude are the people who are closest to us, family, lovers or very best friends.
And the truth is that we are often hurt most by the people we love the most. Ironic, eh?

Current Mood - Curious

Infinite underlying threads of uncertainty web their way through the grayness of wakefulness. Surely there must be an answer to the consuming, overwhelming perplexity of how this should be handled. Head shaking does little to dispel the webs intent to confuse. Covering the eyes only darkens the image, enhancing the sinister proportions of the problem. Determination would be the solution. Resolving to overcome the complexities of the situation definitely held the key. Bringing this resolve into action however, causes immense anticipation of great discomfort. Desperation, and the need to urinate, finally convince me that I must get out of bed, only knowing I will be required to repeat this dilemma again tomorrow.

At least I woke up
What does the expression "It's a free country" mean to you? Like, they got laws preventing us from doing almost everything that we enjoy doing. You can't drink and drive, you can't be drunk in public places, hell, you can't even smoke in public places any more. And the big one, you have to wear clothes. Where's the freedom there? I mean, if some sweet little chickee-poo wanted to take her clothes off and walk down my street probably not too many of the guys on the street would be running to the phone to call the cops. On the other hand, if I took my clothes off and walked down the same street the 911 # would be jammed with everybody calling at the same time. It's not like I would pee on anybody's lawn or anything. What would be the harm? There's only one answer to this problem. Protest. We all have to take our clothes off and march on parliment hill. We have to do this to gain back our god given freedom to wear what we were born with. Just think of the money you'll save not having to buy clothes, not to mention the hot water bill and the detergent you wouldn't have to buy. See! This wearing of clothes is another goverment gimmick to grab tax dollars. It's your duty to rebel, so take your clothes off now and run out into the street and yell "no more". Get your neighbours involved before they call the cops if you can. Then there'll be so many nekkid peoples the cops won't know who to arrest and they'll have to take their clothes off too. Think about that gals, all those cops with no clothes on. Now you see where this can lead, huh?


Seriously! How serious should life be taken? There definitely are things in life that must be taken in a more serious light, like having kids, making major purchases or choosing a life mate but for those everyday, mundane things that tend to bog us down, wouldn't it be much easier if we could find a way to laugh at our frustrations?